
What is Autism?

According to DSM-5-TR, the essential features of Autism are persistent deficits in reciprocal social communication and social interaction, and restricted, repetitive patterns of behaviour, interests or activities.

Importantly, the DSM-5-TR presents Autism as a deficit rather than a difference. The perception of Autism as a deficit is changing through the neurodiversity movement. Now, Autism is understood as a difference rather than a deficit.  “Autistic children and adults have a different, not defective, way of perceiving, thinking, learning and relating. The person usually has a strong desire to seek knowledge, truth and perfection, with a different set of priorities than would be expected with other people. The overriding priority may be to solve a problem rather than satisfy the social or emotional needs of others. The person values being creative rather than co-operative, and may perceive patterns, errors and solutions that are not apparent to others. The person is usually renowned for speaking their mind and being honest and determined, with a strong sense of social justice and a distinct sense of humour” (Tony Attwood, 2023).

For more information on Autism, please take a look at these websites;

Assessment of Autism Spectrum

At Mind & Me Psychology we conduct an Autism Clinical Interview following the criteria set out in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5-TR).  The DSM-5-TR is the standard reference tool to make a diagnosis and is required for accessing additional support on the NDIS.

We utilize our clinical judgement and neurodiverse knowledge and understand that no two people are the same, traits will vary in type and by degree.

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