Diagnosis and Treatment

Diagnosis by Assessment

An assessment can incorporate many steps such as screening tools (Conners-4, AQ, DASS-21), a structured clinical interview, or standardised psychometric measures (e.g., WIAT-III, WAIS-IV). The results of these, based on our observations, are measured against the criteria listed in the Diagnostic and Statistical manual of Mental Disorders Fifth Edition – Revised (DSM-5-TR 2022).

A clinical interview may take 2-3 hours over 1 or 2 sessions, either in-person or via Telehealth, depending upon what the assessment is for. If you choose Telehealth you will be required to access a computer, the link to the meeting providing all details (date, time, etc) will be emailed prior to your appointment.

A full report is completed as part of this service. This outlines how the criteria is met, general recommendations, and suggested reading/viewing materials. This is sent via email around 4-6 weeks after the assessment. A letter of outcome is provided shortly after the assessment which can be used to apply for NDIS funding support (if applicable) or other supports where required. 

Cost of the diagnostic assessment, including report, varies, depending upon assessment needs. Please request a quotation on booking request.

Assessment Types

At Mind & Me Psychology, we currently provide assessment for:

  • Autism Spectrum Disorder
  • ADHD – Inattentive, Hyperactive Impulsive or Combined presentation
  • Specific Learning Difficulties (e.g., Dyslexia, Dysgraphia, Dyscalculia)
  • Intellectual Disability
  • Memory difficulties
  • Mood Disorders
  • PTSD
  • Psychosocial Disabilities

We also utilise a range of psychometric instruments such as;

  • WISC-V: measures intellectual cognitive ability/intelligence for children aged 6 to 16 years
  • WAIS-IV: measures adult cognitive ability, 16 years to 90.
  • WMS Memory Assessment: Designed to measure different memory functions
  • WIAT-III: measures previously learned knowledge in areas such as reading, written word, Mathematics
  • ADOS Intellectual Disability & Autism Clinical Interview are diagnostic tests for Autism.
  • ASD Diagnostic Interview
  • Conners-4
  • CTOPP-2
  • TOWRE-2
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