Group Therapy

We are currently offering Group participation for Gaming Addiction.

For more information follow this link.

View the case study 'Game Changer', as recently seen on Australian Story.

Research shows that groups are just as effective as one-on-one therapy, other positive outcomes include:

  • allowing you, and others, to express yourselves in a group without feeling judged
  • developing a participant’s altruism (helping others) and compassion
  • bring about a sense of hope by seeing how others progress
  • learning to share knowledge
  • encourage you to develop an understanding through observation of how an adverse past experience may have impacted on your current feelings
  • enhancing social interactions
  • how to model healthy behaviours and make healthy attachments
  • learning that group cohesiveness imparts a sense of safety
  • learning how to own your feelings, to learn from each other, and to develop a better understanding of how to interact. Read more.
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